Home Loan Tips

We want to share some important tips to help you get the right home loan for your needs.

First of all, it is important that you do not make any large purchases. Putting a large balance on your credit card or opening a new line of credit can have a negative impact on your credit score and affect your rate.

Additionally, do not make any large cash purchases that will reduce the amount of your bank account. If you must make a large purchase or move money, please contact us first and we can discuss the best way to do it.

Also, to maintain your credit score it is also important to pay all of your bills on time. Having a recent late on your credit can also lower your credit score and affect the rate you can qualify for.

As a mortgage broker, we have partnerships with several lenders and we work with our clients to help you find the right program for your financial situation. We will thoroughly explain the programs and rates that we recommend.

We're always available for a no-obligation review of your situation and we want to make sure this process runs as smoothly as possible!

Get Your mortgage rate Quote

Mortgage rates change every day, and your rate will vary based on your location, finances, and other factors. Get your no-obligation customized rate comparison below:

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